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Showing posts from 2005

Performance: One line change

Hi all, On this sunday, while playing on improving Npgsql performance and reviewing Ralph Mason's contributed code and Hubert Fongarnand bug report, I did a small modification which increased performance significantly. Nunit test case which used to run in a little bit more than 5, 6 seconds, turned out to run in about 2.3 seconds!! :) Also, Prepared statements performance was vastly improved. The modification? Just changed the following line in NpgsqlClosedState.cs: context. Stream = stream; to context. Stream = new BufferedStream (stream); Yeah, just a buffered stream usage :) I'm doing some more changes as well as integrating the aforementioned patches and improvements. This modification will be the first to hit cvs today. Update: Well, the truth is that it wasn't a single line change :( I reviewed the code later and checked that performance improvement was also because of less calls to Stream.Flush() methods. These too much calls were destroying the gain obtained fr...

Npgsql 1.0beta1 released!

December 6, 2005 Hi all, Npgsql 1.0beta1 is released!! Please, check it out here and give it a try. Check the release notes here for more info about this release. Send your comments and suggestions. There is a Forum area where you can post them. I’d like to thank Josh Cooley for his big contribution to metadata support and other bug fixes! Thank you all who sent your bug reports and feature requests. Keep sending them! I’d like to thank God for allowing me to make this happen.

Preparing for first 1.0 beta release

December 4, 2005 Today I commited some last modifications for 1.0 beta1 release. Updated a lot of NUnit tests and make sure they now can be run easily from NAnt scripts. We had a lot of work on this release and fixed a lot of bugs. Josh Cooley added a lot of improvements on Metadata support. We also added some features and we are working on others which can be seen here and here . We hope we can get good feedback on this. As soon as Npgsql 1.0 beta1 is released I will post a note here.

Electronic Game Show

November 22, 2005 Well, it was cool but not as much as I wanted It was a little bit frustating because Nintendo wasn’t there. The big rush was for XBox 360. At least I could find some nice people to play Nintendo DS! Also, I couldn’t buy a Sony PSP Let’s see next year.

Attending Electronic Game Show

November 18, 2005 Hi all, Today I’m going to São Paulo to attend EGS Brasil (Electronic Game Show). I hope I can see a lot of great video game stuff there!! I will be back on Monday, 2005-11-20.

Performance improvements in cvs

October 27, 2005 Hi all, Josh Cooley checked in cvs a lot of performance improvements. On avarage his code lets Npgsql 15%-20% faster! Also, he added some improvements specifically to NpgsqlDataReader on Mono which gives as much as 250% improvement!! Get the code in cvs and give it a try! Excellent work, Josh!

Npgsql move to pgFoundry

Hi all, Npgsql alread moved to pgFoundry. We are keeping cvs code from gborg sync’ed with pgFoundry cvs until all commiters are ready. As soon as I have more info about the progress of this move I will let you all know.

Move from other blog hosting site

Well, after some testing, I finally decided to keep my blog on The only missing thing on to me is the lack of Categorization. But after checking this blog , I noticed that I could add some categorization with Tchnorati. I will post my other posts here for historical sake.