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Showing posts from April, 2006

I'm back from 7th Forum Internacional de Software Livre

Hi all, I'm back from 7th Fórum Internacional de Software Livre em Porto Alegre. It was very good! I attended to a lot of presentations. I also could meet some Mono Brasil friends. I also met Miguel de Icaza there! He took a lot of pictures :) I'd like to thank all the organization crew for this great event and all people who went there.

Synchronous notification explained

Hi all, it seems that my coined feature name "synchronous notification" is confusing everybody. I hope to explain it better now. Synchronous notification is the name I gave to Npgsql implementation of Listen/Notify support where you (the Npgsql client) receive a notification message "synchronously" or "almost" at same time the notification is sent from server. This contrasts to what Npgsql had before: the client would just receive any notification on next iteration with server as this was when we processed the notification server sent us. One possible solution for this problem before was the client to keep "polling" the server with empty commands in order to force an interation with server and receive the notification. Now, behind the scenes, Npgsql creates a new thread which keeps polling server for you with Socket.Poll() method while client is idle. This way, as soon as notification arrives in Npgsql socket, it can promptly process notificati...

Npgsql 1.0RC1 released!

Hi all, Npgsql Development Team has just released Npgsql 1.0RC1. Please, check release notes at usual place: Thanks God for making this possible. Thanks all who contributed with bug reports and feedback. You can download binaries and sources from here