Yesterday I merged a pull request which adds support to .Net SSLStream in Npgsql. When Npgsql development started, in 2002, there was no SSL support in .net 1.0 and 1.1. It was added later in .net 2.0 but the support to SSLStream was never added to Npgsql. This all changed a few weeks ago when Dave G created a patch which adds support to .Net SSLStream in Npgsql. He also said that one of the motivations was the fact that the current SSL support was returning error when using client certificate authentication. (I'll post a tutorial about how to use client certificates later) There is a very old feature request (like since 2005!) to somehow create a single Npgsql.dll which incorporates Mono.Security.dll assembly. This would easy the deployment of Npgsql and version control. This feature request generated a discussion about the removal of Mono.Security dependency and possible impact in current user code. In order to get the lowest impact by this change...