This is Npgsql 2.2.0 Final Release This release contains 249 commits since the last stable release. Includes bug fixes, improvements and new features. Update notice: If you have been using Npgsql 2.2.0-rc2, you don't need to update to this version. They are the same except for the Assembly version information. Major highlights Visual Studio DDEX support Kenji Uno added support for DDEX. Now you can use Npgsql with Visual Studio data designer. This is a missing feature a lot of our users requested in the past. Kenji added a tutorial about how to use Npgsql with DDEX. You can find it here: Entity Framework David Karlaš added support for EFMigration and Database creation in EF6+. Now it is possible to start Code First projects without needing to create a database upfront. EntityFramework and Npgsql will take care of it. E...