Today we released the first beta of Npgsql 2.0.13! This new beta release had a lot of bugs fixed and initial support for Entity Framework 6! More information about how to use Entity framework 6 with Npgsql can be found in this post . Checkout the release notes for more information about the bugs fixed in this release. Download it from our downloads section . Important notice about this release Unfortunately, I made a mistake when updating the assembly version for this release and it was created with a wrong value. I'm very sorry for that. This release should have been 2.0. 12 .91 and not 2.0. 13 .91 Next beta release will have the version value fixed. What are the implications? The biggest problem is that this beta version will have a version number higher than the final 2.0.13 version while this beta version has As it is a beta and it is not supposed to be deployed in production systems, we think this won't give pr...