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One week of MacBook later....

Well, Macbook continues to be awesome, but I already have some complains with the software... :(

No ABNT2 keyboard support! Just after one week of research and I still had to make a modification in the keyboard layout, I finally could find one which worked on my ABNT2 keyboard. Thanks to this post I could get a 99% working keyboard layout. I just had to swap back the \ | and ' " mappings. I have to admit I'm really upset with Apple for not providing a keyboard mapping which works on Brazilian Portuguese ABNT2 keyboards.

Another difficult I faced was to use the external monitor only. On gnu/linux I just used the xrandr command xrandr --output LCD off and it was done. Thanks to this post I could get it working by connect my external LCD monitor, close the lid, wait for macbook to sleep and so wake it up with my external keyboard. At least it is working ok now.

Another thing which is making me nuts is that the spaces feature always wants to bring to front the finder window and not the window which had focus before I changed the virtual desktop. I already installed the MacOS 10.5.3 combo update which says something about fixing this but for me it didn't work :(

I will stay with OSX for while, now that my keyboard and monitor problems are solved. But I have to say that I was much more comfortable with the gnome gnu/linux environment. Maybe I still need time to get used to all this. In another post I will talk about what make me nuts with gnu/linux and desktop. Tip: Power management (suspend to ram/disk) and X11 performance (screen updates). 

See you.


Anonymous said…
One of the best things I did when switching to a Mac was to pick up "Switch to the Mac", tiger edition at the time, I'd have a link but amazon is down for me right now, weird. What I really gained from it was the background explanations of why certain things are done the way they are. After reading the history I had a few lightbulb moments and its been much easier to use. While the book covers switching from windows it may be worth skimming at the book store to get some of the history, as I doubt they'll be a Gnome to OS X book anytime soon.
BigJoe said…
To fix this:
spaces feature always wants to bring to front the finder window

you need to check a check box in the expose configuration window I think.
Anonymous said…
Take a look here :
Anonymous said…
thanks for the useful link

imVho when coming from a GNOME/KDE based experience and then using OSX is not as intuitive as it's said to be

personally i don't think that OSX brought special or unrevealed features to the world, i've been using GNOME/KDE since 1997 (already with multidesktop in the user's favor) and i didn't find nothing new in OSX

i guess it's a good alternative for Win users, so i basically agree with Francisco but i think some configuration/understanding has to be done ....but why? ;) GNOME/KDE it's a much better choice least up to me

ciao :)
Anonymous said…
personally i don't think that OSX brought special or unrevealed features to the world, i've been using GNOME/KDE since 1997 (already with multidesktop in the user's favor) and i didn't find nothing new in OSX

Well, yeah, in they way that McDonalds is food too, just like the Grand Central Oyster Bar.
Anonymous said…
My favorite OS X trick that seems to have no Linux equivalent is Quick Look. Just select a file and hit Space; a small very quick Preview comes up. Works for text, MS Office (including .doc created in OpenOffice), pdf files.
@anonymous: Hi, first comment. Thank you for your tip about this book. I will check it out.

@bigjoe: Thanks for the tip. I unchecked the box and got the problem said in the tood link. I will try the workaround of removing the file and see what happens.

@todd: Thanks for the link!

@Gianluca Riccardi: For sure very much undesrtanding about OSX needs to be done. I'm still getting used to it.

@anonymous: Thanks for the tip. I will check it out.
Anonymous said…

you could use Ukelele, a keyboard layout editor for MacOS X, to create your own ABNT layout.

I've already used it to create a funky quebec-ian keyboard for a friend... :-)

You'l find it at:

@jrjsmrtn. Thank you very much for your tip. I already could get a keyboard layout which worked very well. Anyway your tip is very welcome.

Thank you again!
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