Hi, all! It's a great pleasure to say Npgsql Development Team made a new release of Npgsql2. We are closer to the final release! On the highlights, thanks to Josh Cooley, we have support for newer version of EntityFramework 3.5sp1beta. Another highlight is that we fixed the cast problem some people had when using Npgsql2 beta4. Now, Npgsql will only use casts if the user explicitly specify a DbType or NpgsqlDbType value. Also, thanks Andreas Schönebeck, who provided us with testcases and feedback, we have a much better threadabortexception handling. Those exceptions were making Npgsql be instable and sometimes unusable. Please, if you had any problem, give RC1 a try and help us to improve Npgsql for final release. Other changes can be seen in our changelog . Donwload Npgsql2RC1 from our usual place Thank you to all who helped us with this release with feedback, bug fixes, bug reports and comments.