Hi all!
Today, Npgsql received a server donation from a person who prefers to remain anonymous.
With it, we will be able to provide nightly builds as well as a continuous integration build service. We are thinking about using CruiseControl.Net
Thank you very much for the donation!
@slava imeshev - Thank you for your feedback. I didn't know about your product. I will check it out. But I'd rather go with an opensource solution.
I use Cruise Control .NET with SVN and unit tests and even automatic selenium unit tests. If you need some help configuring Cruise Control .NET, call me.
Finaly do you choice to use MonoOSC ?
We are still doing some tests with Cruisecontrol.net.
But I would like to know more about MonoOSC. I noticed,that you, surfzoid is the project admin. Would you mind to send me a message explaning me how I could get started with MonoOSC?
Also, is it possible to make builds for windows too, or only for gnu/linux distributions?
Thanks in advance.
First MonoOSC is Beta and in developpment so some feature missing yet (i am alone for this time)
But starting is really simple, after installed just running it and enter your OBS info (name, pass...), then clcik on the connect buton or menu, at this time you need a valid home project on OBS and repo can only be added by Manual edition of XML data (repo manager is in devel) or by the webclient.
MonoOSC run under Windows, but it is only a Client of OpenSuse Build Service API (OBS) and this one doesn't reall y provide build for Win32, i see some post or on IRC a Maintener who have a technic to provide a win32 build in a RPM the thread in question start here : http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-buildservice/2008-09/msg00107.html
at this time i'm on Mono channel.
Thanks for the info. I will have a look at it. It would be nice to have this working.
Unfortunately, here in my job, we have a firewall which doesn't allow me to connect to irc. :(
But I will add you to gtalk.