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Showing posts from June, 2008

And today I knew Shiira...

And I loved it! I know I said about using firefox 3 and liking it, but after some days I was not confortable with it. I think I could get more. After some research, I found about Shiira on google search and decided to give it a try. I loved its speed. Also it needs very few resources. At least processor power. I'm still investigating memory usage which I thought it was a little too much for some pages I opened.  I also liked it because if uses WebKit rendering engine which I think is faster than gecko. Also, it is opensource, so I'm very happy and for while doesn't need to use the proprietary Safari. For while I'm enjoying it very much. Shiira homepage:

Update: Two complains: Screen Responsiveness and SuspendToRam/Disk

Hi all! You may have seen I had two main complains about gnu/linux desktop. Today I updated my ubuntu with some long standing pending updates. I could see there was updates for firefox 3.0 and ati binary drivers. Well, I can see that now firefox responsiveness is much, much better. It is not so good as I'd like it to be, but it is in the right direction for sure!. I also see that desktop has a better screen responsiveness than before. That's great! I hope things get better and better as I want to see gnu/desktop as the best user experience possible. Thanks all who are working on those issues and fixing them.

Getting control back...

Hi all! After some testing with Firefox on OSX I confess I was a little bit disappointed because with only a blank page firefox was taking up 10%-13% of cpu time! Today celebrating the firefox download day and of course to test the new version I give it a try again, thinking it could be something with the beta version. No luck :( Firefox was still getting something like 10%-13% of cpu. It was then I tried to google about it and I found something about problems with add-ons. And then I remember I installed add-on. I disabled it and immediately firefox started to use 0.4%-0.1% of cpu time! :) Sweet!! Now I can use firefox as my primary browser again. Thank you guys for such a great product. Version 3 rocks even more! Another change I made was to give songbird another try. After playing a little bit, I found out there is the 0.6 version available. Wow! What a difference... As they said in songbird release notes, browing music library is much, much faster! Great!! Also, after i...

Two complains: Screen Responsiveness and SuspendToRam/Disk

Hi all! Firstly, I'd like to say that I love Gnu/Linux and please don't take me wrong. What I'm saying here is based on what I see after using Gnu/Linux for the last 4 years. About the suspend to ram/disk I understand because it may be very difficult to have it working on all type of hardware. But as it was already pointed out on Ubuntu Brainstorm and I think they are already working on it. But now, at least to me, the biggest complain I have is the performance of screen responsiveness of gnu/linux desktop. I don't know if this is the correct term, but what I mean is the speed the text is draw in the screen, the speed the windows are rendered and so on. In summary, the perception I have of how fast the screen is drawing its contents. My experience is based on my old notebook. A Pentium4m with an intel 855gm with shared video memory. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 with Gnome. When I open firefox on my gmail page, for example, the scroll is not so good. The scroll is too slow...

One week of MacBook later....

Well, Macbook continues to be awesome, but I already have some complains with the software... :( No ABNT2 keyboard support! Just after one week of research and I still had to make a modification in the keyboard layout, I finally could find one which worked on my ABNT2 keyboard. Thanks to this post  I could get a 99% working keyboard layout. I just had to swap back the \ | and ' " mappings. I have to admit I'm really upset with Apple for not providing a keyboard mapping which works on Brazilian Portuguese ABNT2 keyboards. Another difficult I faced was to use the external monitor only. On gnu/linux I just used the xrandr command xrandr --output LCD off and it was done. Thanks to this post  I could get it working by connect my external LCD monitor, close the lid, wait for macbook to sleep and so wake it up with my external keyboard. At least it is working ok now. Another thing which is making me nuts is that the spaces feature always wants to bring to front the finder window ...

Thank you for so many OSX tips!!

Wow! I was very surprised by the big number of feedback I got when asking tips for my new MacBook! I'd like to say you a big THANK YOU! You are great. I already installed iStat Pro. I liked it very much. I also installed Adium, NoeOffice, Transmission, Songbird and I'm still downloading and installing other suggestions. One drawback I saw was that after installing some applications, my solid rock brand new MacBook started to hang when shutting down! :O I uninstalled iStat Pro as I think it is the only low level thing which could give me this type of problem. Until now, I already shut down my laptop two times and the problem seems to be solved. I installed the 4.6 version on my OSX 10.5.3. I will try another version or a previous one later. I don't now but I didn't like the SongBird. I don't know why yet. I liked very much the Rhythmbox and I'm sad I can't get it on my Mac :(. For while I think I will keep using iTunes. But I'd rather use some other open...

I finally got my MacBook!! Tips???

Hi all!! I finally got a MacBook 13.3"!! This baby is awesome!! I'm enjoying it very much. :) I still didn't install Ubuntu on it because I'd like to play a little bit with MacOS. My first impressions of MacOS is that it is a very nice OS. I'd like the Aqua UI was opensource so I could have a complete OpenSource OS stack. At least Darwin is OpenSource. Now I need to familiarize with MacOS and its utilities. So, if you have tips, links, suggestions for nice opensource applications I can install on my MacOS, please let me know. I already have Mono installed. Thanks mono guys who provide the MacOS install package. It was pretty easy to install. I'd like to know if I can use Banshee on my Mac. I know iTunes is very good, but I'd like to use an OpenSource player. Do you know of anyone for MacOS? I couldn't find anyone. I also installed MPlayer which worked perfectly! The MacOS sound is awesome!! I also would like to know of a good IRC client, a good torrent...

Back to Brazil!!!

Hi, all! I'm back to Brazil! And I have to say that I loved Canada!! I'm seriously thinking about applying for an immigration process. Let's see what I can get... I could see a lot of things and I liked very much Canadian people. They are very nice! For me it was a great pleasure to be in such a place! I hope to go back there some day. I visited Niagara Falls, went for the first time to a casino. In Brazil they are not allowed. I met a lot of people from many places in the world: Korea, Japan, Belgium, England, Australia, USA and so on. I enjoyed very much to stay in a hostel. I never stayed in one before and I liked very much the experience. That's it! I will post some pictures later and more impressions too.